X-Frame POS Banner
Who says that you can’t receive a quality product for affordable prices? As we’ve received a great deal on our X-Frame POS banners, we want to pass the savings onto you! Buy two for only $360 – more volume discounts are available, contact us for a quote! Read more

Lightweight & Low Profile
The X-Frame is a lightweight tension banner frame with a vinyl graphic that is attached at the frame at each of the four corners. As the graphic doesn’t retract, there is no need for a casing – this makes the display incredibly lightweight at around 1kg.
High Quality Print
The high quality digitally printed graphic that you receive with these banners has been printed on ultra smooth vinyl. This process results in bright, vivid colours and clear, crisp images.
Exceptional Value
Displays Direct has been able to acquire this product at a greatly reduced price, so we can therefore offer a limited number at a special price when ordered in groups of two. Simply order two banners with a single artwork for $360 (or $180 each)!